Pokémon season 1 episode 48 in Hindi
Episode Title:- "Holy Matrimony!" (Gardie and Kojirou)
Episode Title:- "A Chansey Operation" (Lucky's Clinical Records)
Episode Title:- "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" (Resurrected!? Fossil Pokémon!)
Episode Title :- "The March of the Exeggutor Squad" (The Huge March of the Nassy Squad!)
Episode Title :- "Showdown at Dark City" (Showdown! Pokémon Gym!)
Episode Title:- "The Battling Eevee Brothers" (The 4 Eievui Brothers)
Episode Title:- "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion" (Metamon and the Copycat Girl)
Episode Title:- "Princess vs. Princess" (Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival)