Pokémon season 1 episode 52 in Hindi
Episode Title:- "Princess vs. Princess" (Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival)
Episode Title:- "Princess vs. Princess" (Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival)
Episode Title:- " Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden" (Fushigidane's Mysterious Flower Garden)
Episode Title:- "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?" (Whose Is Togepy!?)
Episode Title:- "So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd" (Kamonegi's Easy Mark)
Episode Title:- "A Chansey Operation" (Lucky's Clinical Records)
Episode Title:- "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" (Resurrected!? Fossil Pokémon!)
Episode Title :- "The March of the Exeggutor Squad" (The Huge March of the Nassy Squad!)
Episode Title:- "Princess vs. Princess" (Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival)